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Contact Us

On this page you will find the contact details for Boston Neighbourhood Watch and a map of our area as well as municipal and other useful contact numbers.  If you have any numbers or information you think would be useful to display on this page, please feel free to drop us a line here.

General Mail
Friends of Jack Muller Park
Bellville – Charge Office 021 918 3012/14
Bellville – Switch Board 021 918 3000
Flying Squad 10111
Zone Map

BNW Management Committee
Chairman: +27
Zone & Street Leaders
To get connected to your Zone Leader contact:
Boston Council Member
Leonore van der Walt
CITY OF CAPE TOWN - Key Contacts
Ambulance 10177
Fire 107
Child Line 0800 055 555
Poison Information Centre - Red Cross Hospital 021 689 5227
Life Line 0861 322 322
Telephone: 086 010 3089
Telephone: 021 401 4701 (Overseas Clients)
Fax: 086 010 3090
e-mail: {{}}
Cable Theft
Telephone: 080 022 2771
Fax: 021 400 910
City Management (City Manager & Executive Directors)
Telephone: 021 400 5475
Fax: 021 400 590
e-mail: {{}}
Disaster Risk Management
Telephone: 021 597 5000 (All Hours)
Fax: 021 597 5010/ 021 597 5024
e-mail: {{}}
Electricity Services
Telephone: 080 022 0440
Fax: 080 022 0441
Telephone: 086 010 3089 (Accounts)
ESKOM: 086 003 7566
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Buy electricity online: {{}}
Telephone: 107
Telephone from moble: 021 480 7700
Telephone from moble: 112 (toll free)
website: {{}}
Events Enquiries & Permits
Telephone: 021 483 9013/ 021 483 9272
Fax: 021 957 0046/ 021 483 9083
e-mail: {{}}
Film Shoots & Permits
Telephone: 021 483 9060
Fax: 021 483 9061
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Fraud Hotline
Telephone: 080 032 3130
Land Invation (Squatter Control)
Telephone: 080 022 5669
Mayor's Office
Telephone: 021 400 1300
Fax: 021 400 1313
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Motor Vehicle Registrations
Telephone: 086 010 3089
Fax: 021 400 2276/ 021 400 915
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Telephone: 021 400 5486/7
Fax: 021 400 5952
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Public Transport
Telephone: 080 065 6463 (Information)
Telephone: 080 060 0895 (Dail-a-Ride for Disabled Persons)
Roads & Stormwater
Telephone: 086 010 3054
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Solid Waste
Telephone: 086 010 3089 (General)
Telephone: 021 487 2477 (Landfill Sites)
Fax: 021 400 4302
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Telephone: 021 400 2405/ 021 400 2505
Fax: 021 4197659
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Traffic Fines
Telephone: 086 010 3089
Fax: 021 406 8734
website: {{}}
Traffic & Metro Police
Telephone: 086 076 5423
Traffic Signal Faults
Telephone: 086 076 5423 (All hours)
Water Services
Telephone: 086 010 3054
Telephone queries: 086 010 3089 (Accounts)
Fax: 021 957 4726
e-mail: {{}}
Poison Information Centre
Telephone (office hours): +27 21 938-6084
Telphone (24 hours): +27 21 931-6129
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Boston Neighbourhood Watch - Together we serve and protect to secure prosperity
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Number of visits since 3rd February 2009 - 814184